Alberni Valley Times: Governments should protect free speech

“...It wasn't always that way. There was a time when speech was protected from death threats, when physical force was the only way an individual's rights could be violated; when as children, we were taught "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me."
In the book "Tyranny of Silence" by Flemming Rose, the editor who published the controversial Danish cartoons writes about the history of free speech. He describes some of the atrocities committed when religion had full control of our lives. And when finally, in the 16th century, the English enlightenment provided us with the legal framework for freedom of speech, showing there is a vast difference between force and words. Most of the Islamic extremist-lead atrocities have occurred since Iran's religious leader called for the death of "Satanic Verses" author Salman Rushdie.
They fear our free speech, not our retaliatory defence. If the Muslim extremist world valued life they would stop brutalizing and killing their own people. They find our criticism intolerable...”
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